Men, Women, Get Out Of The Friend Zone

A lot of men think they know everything there is to know about women. But the truth is, there’s a lot that men don’t know about the fairer sex. Here are a few things that all men should know about women:
- Women are more complex than men
Women are often seen as the simpler sex, but the truth is, women are more complex than men. They have more emotions and more thoughts going on in their heads at any given time. This can make them seem complicated, but it also makes them more interesting. - Women need communication
One of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Women need to be able to communicate with their partners in order to feel close to them. Without communication, relationships can quickly become distant and cold. - Women crave intimacy
Intimacy is important to women in relationships. They crave physical and emotional closeness and need to feel loved and cherished by their partners. Without intimacy, relationships can quickly lose their spark. - Women love to be pampered
Women love feeling pampered and special. They love it when their partners take the time to do things for them, whether it’s cooking dinner or Running errands.. Little gestures like this can go a long way in making a woman feel loved and appreciated. - Women appreciate honesty
Women appreciate honesty and respectfulness from their partners above all else. They want to feel like they can trust their partners and that their partners will be honest with them at all times
What Men Should Really Know About Women
In order to answer this question we must first ask ourselves, what do we know about women? Women are the fairer sex, they’re the ones who wear the pants in the relationship, they’re always nagging, they’re emotional, they’re irrational, and they’re always right. But is that really what men should know about women? Let’s take a look at some things that men should really know about women.
There Are Different Types Of Women
There are many different types of women out there, and it can be difficult to understand them all. However, it is important for men to know about the different types of women so that they can better understand the opposite sex. Here are some of the different types of women:
The girly girl: This type of woman loves everything that is feminine. She loves to wear pretty dresses and put on makeup. She is usually very delicate and hates getting dirty.
The tomboy: This type of woman is the complete opposite of the girly girl. She loves getting dirty and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She usually doesn’t care about fashion and doesn’t bother with makeup.
The independent woman: This type of woman doesn’t need a man to survive. She is strong and independent and can take care of herself. She is usually career-driven and isn’t looking for a man to take care of her.

The needy woman: This type of woman is always needing attention from a man. she is usually very clingy and dependent on her man. she often has low self-esteem and lacks confidence.
What Women Want
err… do women really want something? lol Just kidding.
From what I’ve gathered from talking to my female friends, and from what I’ve read in magazines and online, these are some of the things that women wish men knew:
- We want you to listen to us, not just hear us. Women tend to be more emotional than men and often need to talk about their feelings in order to process them. We don’t always need you to fix our problems, we just need you to listen and show us that you care.
- We want you to be present with us, both physically and mentally. When we’re talking to you, we want your full attention. That means no checking your phone, no looking around the room, and no interrupting us. It also means being mentally present with us – being able to engage in conversation and actually hear what we’re saying.
- We want you to communicate with us. This goes hand-in-hand with being present with us. We want you to be able to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. This can be difficult for some men, but it’s important for us to feel like we’re truly connected with you.
- We want you to be sensitive to our needs. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with everything we say or do, but it does mean that you should be aware of our feelings and needs. For example, if we’re having a bad day, we might need some extra attention or reassurance from you. Or if we’re really tired, we might not be in the mood for sex even if you are. Paying attention to our subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) cues will go a long way in making us feel loved and cherished.
How to Make a Woman Happy
Though all women are different, there are some generalities that will usually make them happy. Here are a few tips to escape the friend zone.

-Make an effort to understand what she is saying and feeling, and validate her experiences.
-Be communicative and honest with her.
-Don’t try to fix her problems, just listen and be supportive.
-Be present with her and give her your full attention when she wants to talk.
-Make time for things that are important to her, even if you don’t fully understand why they matter so much to her.
-Compliment her and let her know how much you appreciate her.
-Respect her autonomy and allow her the space to make her own decisions.
In conclusion, although there are many different opinions on what men should know about women, the most important thing is to simply be respectful and understanding. Everyone is different, so try not to make any sweeping generalizations. Just take the time to get to know each woman as an individual, and you’ll be sure to find success in any relationship!