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5 Tips to Keep a Marriage Exciting

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It’s no secret that marriages can sometimes become a little…boring. The same old routine day in and day out can make even the most-in-love couple feel like they’re in a rut. But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can keep a marriage exciting. There are plenty of things you can do to keep the spark alive in your marriage and keep things exciting. Here are five tips to get you started:

1. Make time for each other.

In the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to let your relationship take a backseat to everything else. But if you want to keep your marriage exciting, you need to make time for each other. Schedule regular date nights (even if it’s just once a month) and make sure you have at least some time each day to talk and connect with each other.

2. Keep things fresh.

If you feel like your relationship has become stagnant, it’s time to mix things up a bit! Try something new together, whether it’s a new restaurant, hobby, or activity. Keeping things fresh will help you both feel more engaged in your relationship and can prevent boredom from setting in.

3. Communicate regularly.

Good communication is essential for any relationship, but it’s especially important in marriage. Make sure you set aside time each day (or week) to talk about both the good and the bad in your relationship. This will help you stay connected and work together on any problems that come up.

4. Show affection often.

Physical touch is one of the most important ways to maintain intimacy in marriage. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch or holding hands while you walk, make sure you show affection often. This will help you both feel loved and connected to each other.

5. Laugh together often.

Laughter is good for the soul—and for your marriage! When you laugh together, it releases endorphins which help reduce stress and promote bonding between couples. So make sure to find ways to laugh together often!

Date Night

It’s important to keep the spark alive in your marriage, and one way to do that is to make sure you have regular date nights. This doesn’t mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money on a fancy dinner or tickets to a show, but it does mean making time for each other on a regular basis. If you have kids, this might mean hiring a babysitter or trading off with another couple so you can each have a night out.

There are lots of creative ways to keep date night fresh and exciting.

Here are a few ideas:
-Try a new restaurant or cuisine
-Check out a local band or live music venue
-Visit a winery or brewery for a tour and tasting
-Attend a comedy show or open mic night
-Explore a new neighborhood or town
-Take a dance class together
-Do something active like hiking or kayaking

Get Physical

The physical intimacy in a marriage is vital to keeping things exciting. Once the physical intimacy dwindles, it’s easy for the spark to fizzle out. Make sure to keep the physical intimacy alive by having regular date nights, being physically affectionate with each other, and enjoying each other’s company.

Keep the Communication Open

Another important aspect of keeping a marriage exciting is communication. If you and your spouse can’t communicate openly and honestly, it’ll be difficult to keep the spark alive. Be sure to discuss your needs and wants with each other, and be willing to compromise when necessary.

Make Time for Each Other

It’s also important to make time for each other in a marriage. If you’re always busy with work, children, or other obligations, it’ll be difficult to find time to truly enjoy each other’s company. Schedule regular date nights or weekend getaways, and make sure to spend quality time together on a regular basis.

If you’re stuck in a rut, it can be difficult to keep things exciting in a marriage. Be willing to try new things together, whether it’s trying a new restaurant or planning an adventurous weekend getaway. Stepping out of your comfort zone can help add some spice to your relationship.

Be Spontaneous

One of the best ways to keep a marriage exciting is to be spontaneous. Try doing new things and going new places together. This can help keep the spark alive and help you feel connected to each other. You may also want to try something totally new and outside your comfort zone together. This can help you bond and create new memories together.


Last but not least the best way to keep a marriage exciting is to communicate with your partner. Talk about your needs and wants, and be willing to compromise. You should also be open to trying new things, both in and out of the bedroom. Keep the lines of communication open, and you’ll be surprised at how exciting your marriage can be.